Hi, my name is Amari (she/it). I am a math student, musician, tokiponist, and hobby-hopper. In toki
pona1, you'd refer to me as "ijo Amali" or "jan Amali".
Welcome to my small corner of the internet. This will be a place for me to catalog my important projects,
random pieces of things I'd like to display but have no place for, random thoughts I have, and other
miscillanous ijos. (Please be aware that, until further notice, this site is UNDER CONSTREUCTION. It is also
extremely inacessible to mobile users. I'm very sorry.) I hope you enjoy!
Here are my (public) socials:
Oh also I'm in a webring my friend made:
1If you don't know what toki pona is, you can read an introduction and my thoughts on it here.